Title: Members list hidden | |
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Ex_Member | |
Date Posted:26/02/2015 10:58:01Copy HTML Just a question: why is the Members List hidden?
I could not recall seeing any post from a certain member for some time, and I wanted to see if he/she had left the site. there does no appear to be any way to find out. |
leo_t | #1 |
Re:Members list hidden Date Posted:27/02/2015 06:11:00Copy HTML I don't recall ever being able to see a member list. You can see who's logged in, and search for posts by a particular author.Aimoo profile pages, (find a post by the user and click on their user name), gives you registered date and last logged in date.
JM_Runs | #2 |
Re:Members list hidden Date Posted:21/03/2016 10:50:37Copy HTML It's hidden again. I'm trying to search for someone.